Pursuit of art beyond an imposter
Nancy Hellis, author of The Artist's Journey, lays out and examines FOUR traps to avoid as an artist. Create your art as exploration. The journey of art is inner focused. Self-expression looks within. Art releases the expression and our identity emerges through evolution. Art is a leap into the unfamiliar.
I have lingered in one and sometimes all four of the traps. Frequently. Even continually.
1. I must acquire the technique first.
2. What will the real artists say about my artwork?
3. I'm not a real artist.
4. Fear of vulnerability in expressing myself.
As a writer, the same traps swallowed me up for a long time. Even after multiple publications and success as an editor for others' work, I stumble into the traps. Hellis leads us into daily practice for the development of one's art as regular exploration of the elusive deepest work.
The most wicked self-doubt comes from thinking "real artists" do not need webinars, classes, mentors, etc.; therefore, I must not be an artist. As a psychiatrist, Hellis accompanies the artist through these self-doubts with years of experience with students on "The Artist Journey."
I have lingered in one and sometimes all four of the traps. Frequently. Even continually.
1. I must acquire the technique first.
2. What will the real artists say about my artwork?
3. I'm not a real artist.
4. Fear of vulnerability in expressing myself.
As a writer, the same traps swallowed me up for a long time. Even after multiple publications and success as an editor for others' work, I stumble into the traps. Hellis leads us into daily practice for the development of one's art as regular exploration of the elusive deepest work.
The most wicked self-doubt comes from thinking "real artists" do not need webinars, classes, mentors, etc.; therefore, I must not be an artist. As a psychiatrist, Hellis accompanies the artist through these self-doubts with years of experience with students on "The Artist Journey."